Recycling & Trash Pick-up

Waste Pro trucks in front of Grant-Valkaria Town Hall

Recycling and trash pickup is provided by Waste Pro.

For more information call:

(321) 837-0055 or visit their website at Www.Wasteprousa.Com/Grant-Valkaria

Regular Pickup Schedule:

Household garbage is collected two (2) times per week. 

Household garbage collection for all residents is Tuesday and Friday.

Household recycling is collected one (1) time per week. Your pickup schedule is Thursday for everyone in Grant-Valkaria.

Residential yard waste is collected one (1) time per week. The pickup schedule for everyone in Grant-Valkaria is Monday. Included in this is smaller piles of brush (i.e. tree limbs) and carts. Larger brush piles will be picked up by a separate collection vehicle, which provides service six days per week.

Residential bulk waste is collected one (1) day per week, on your second garbage service day of the week, being either Friday or Saturday, depending on your service area.