Frequently Asked Questions

No. In fact, if you put Grant-Valkaria on your mail it may get incorrectly routed or returned. Mailing addresses are established by the U.S. post-office. The post office database does now associate the 32949 zip code with the Town of Grant-Valkaria.

Yes, the Town opened its own building department on September 17, 2018. All permits are now handled by the Town of Grant-Valkaria at Town Hall, 1449 Valkaria Road, Grant-Valkaria, FL 32950, with the exception of septic tank permitting which is handled by Brevard County.

The specifications for right-of-way improvement may be found here. We recommend that you set up a meeting with our Town Administrator to go over the unpaved road construction process before submitting plans.

Dirt roads throughout Town are graded once a month. Due to weather uncertainties, there is not a specified week they are to be completed.

The ditches are not cleaned for esthetics. They are cleaned once a year, as needed, for drainage purposes.

Berry picking is regulated by Town Ordinance 2018-01 and Florida State Statue 581.185. The State of Florida requires a permit prior to harvesting saw palmetto berries.

State of Florida Saw Palmetto Berry Harvesting Application

The Brevard County Commission has stopped processing zoning changes or variances for property within the Town effective the date of incorporation. Re-zonings are now handled by the Town Staff at Town Hall.

According to the Town Charter, all zoning in effect at the time of incorporation remains in effect.

The culvert pipe is the responsibility of the property owner and should be monitored regularly. Should the culvert pipe fail, it is the property owner’s responsibility to get a permit to replace the pipe.

The town name was chosen by the Charter development working group.The residents voted to keep the name.

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